What happens next

From the moment you call us, we'll be there to support, guide and care for you at every step along the way. Here's where to start when a loved one passes...

Step 1. Reach out to our Warrawong funeral home

The passing of a loved one is one of the most traumatic experiences we face in life. Whether we see it coming or not, we can be so numb with grief that we feel lost trying to figure out who to call or what to do next. Don’t feel alone. Many people don't know what to do when a loved one passes and there are people (like us) who would be honoured to provide you with honest and compassionate support and guidance.

We provide a variety of funeral services to families in the Illawarra — and especially our local area of Port Kembla, Warrawong, Lake Heights, Cringila, and Berkeley. From the moment you contact us at Rankins Funerals, regardless of whether you want to arrange a funeral with us or would simply like more information, we will be there to guide you through every stage of the grief and funeral planning process.

Contactable 24 hours, 7 days a week, our compassionate and professional team can support you with:

  • Transferring of your loved one into our care
  • Arranging a funeral service and a burial or cremation the reflects the unique life of your loved one
  • Use of our chapel, or liaising with a church or venue of your choice
  • Use of our private family viewing facilities
  • Preparation of deceased for viewing
  • Consulting with clergy, celebrants, cemeteries, crematoriums, florists, catering providers, musicians, and many more
  • Advising on the wording and placement of funeral notices
  • Supplying a hearse and other funeral vehicles
  • Live-streaming or recording the service of your loved one
  • Collecting medical certificates and their delivery to appropriate authorities
  • Registering your loved one's death with the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages

If your loved one passes away at home

If your loved one passes away at home and their passing is not unexpected, your first contact should be their doctor. You can call the doctor's surgery to ask them to visit as soon as possible. If your loved doesn't have a regular GP, you can call the Radio Medical Service on 4228 5522.

This is because a doctor is needed to determine the cause of death and to write a medical certificate. A funeral cannot be arranged until the doctor has created this certificate.

If their passing is unexpected or you aren't sure if the person is dead, call 000 immediately, ask for an ambulance, and explain what's happened as best you can. Once the ambulance crew arrives, they will contact your loved one's GP or the police if required. 

If your loved one passes away at a hospital or nursing home

If your loved one passes away at a hospital or nursing home, the staff will handle most of the formalities and advise any next of kin what steps they need to take.

Most public and some private hospitals will have their own mortuary. You loved one can be kept there until they are transferred into the care of funeral director, if you choose to use one. Smaller hospitals and most nursing homes are unlikely to have mortuaries and will often ask you to specify your preferred funeral director in advance your loved one can be transferred into their care as soon as possible.

If your loved one passes away interstate or overseas

If your loved one passes away overseas or interstate, your chosen funeral director in Australia will liaise with the funeral director in the overseas or interstate location, on your behalf.  They will prepare the necessary forms, paperwork and coordinate the mode of transport to bring your loved one back where they belong.

If you have doubts or are unsure of what to do, please call us at any time. It would be our privilege to guide you.

We're upfront about our prices

We provide transparent funeral services to Warrawong, Port Kembla, Lake Heights, and beyond.  If you have any questions about our pricing, which you can view below, please contact our team.

View our pricing